Creativity lies beyond the mundane. In my search for creativity I have trod four avenues; the main one is in my academic work, where I look for ways to provide happier work environments.
But I also think my academic work has benefited from looking for my own expression in poetry and in the design of jewellery and feminine accessories - like scarves, or even home accessories, like the Swan lamp I designed in copper. All endeavours are an integral part of myself and my work and this is why I have added all to my site. The more artistically oriented among those paths - design and poetry - are illustrated in the pages below. Some items are for sale, some simply to be enjoyed. I hope you like them as much as I enjoyed making them. The piece on the right, called Águas de março, is a bracelet with rustic pearls hand-knitted into a silver web. Besides jewels, below you may find your way to my scarves, poetry and award-winning books for young adults and beyond. |
JewelryThe link below leads to a partial selection of the jewels I have made to order. In wearing them you may share in the audacity of the Portuguese navigators and the awe of afterlife as inspired by shells and petrified wood. Some of my jewels are with private collectors in the USA, U.K. France, Mexico, Argentina and Brazil. Would you like to order one, perhaps two? ask me.
Accesórios para mulheres destemidasNão renuncia à insinuação ao acalentar as palavras; se envolva nas minhas echarpes em seda, assinadas com meu logo em prata.
RabiscosSelf-styled poems, some in English, others in Portuguese and in Spanish.
Fragmentos de meus rabiscos acompanhados das minhas fotografias dos rabiscos dos outros. Para quien habla español, rabiscos es el término em portugués para garabatos. |
FictionBesides academic publishing I have dabbled in fiction, for children and adults, perhaps signalling a new avenue. After all, I am proud to have been awarded some distinction when publishing fiction.